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Clube Espeleolóxico Maúxo (CEM)

Founded in 1992, the Clube Espeleolóxico Maúxo (CEM) is a private non-profit speleological association, which its primary aim is to study granite and silica pseudokarst caves and related natural, geological, archaeological and cultural heritage. The CEM develops the next projects: Granite geomorphological cartography and granite cave evolution.- Granite cave speleothemes.- Silica pseudokarst in Galicia.- Troglodyte uses/housing of/in granite caves from prehistoric times.- Cultural values related to pseudokarst caves.- Pleistocene subglacial karstic caves and related morphologies in Galicia.- Qanats and another artificial caves. It develops its scientific-speleological activity with other entities, mainly with the Institut Universitaire de Parga Xeoloxía Isidro Pondal (IUX) from the University of A Coruna (UDC).
Also it is member of Cave Protection Workgroup at the FSUE, and now it is working to protect and declare of O Folón cave system and their river basin as Natural Monument. Mail: mauxo(at)   (Note: Old address - needs to be renewed)

Other Spanish Organizations active in Pseudokarst

The University Institute of Geology "Isidro Parga Pondal" (IUX) is created In 1994 upon the agreement between two Galician entities: the University of A Coruña and the Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe (Isidro Parga Pondal Foundation) in order to develop a scientific and research activity in the geology field. The IUX develop Geomorphological cartography.- Geomorphology of granitic rocks.- Coastlines- Glacial geomorphology.- Granite caves speleothems (opal a, pigotite, allophanes, etc.) Weathering processes of granitic rocks and biodeterioration. Also develop scientific publications (Serial Nova Terra and Journal Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, university teaching, research and spreading of the Geology of Galicia and of the Peninsular Hercynian. The University Institue of Geology "Isidro Parga Pondal" has an integrating vocation of the Geology in all its specialities with all those disciplines or knowledge that ,though not being specifically geological, are directly related to it and allow a more rational use of the resources of the University of A Coruña and of the Laboratorio de Laxe having an undoubtful well established place in the culture, history and science of Galicia.

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