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Museum of Natural History, – Dept. of Karst and Caves, Vienna
Our Department ist a research- and documentation unit of the Museum. Main
goals are research in all fields of Karst Sciences and collecting of materials
about karst and caves.
Pseudokarst – or rather caves in non-karstic rocks – is one of the several
„special research“ topics.
In the past we investigated the non-karstic area north of the Danube (Southern
Bohemian Massiv), some parts of the Central Alps and the (partly non karstic)
caves of the easternmost province of Austria – Burgenland – where we contributed
to two cave books about this area recently.
Root stalagmites – a prominent topic of pseudokarst-research in Europe - could
be detected just recently in a cave and in a tunnel from WW II.
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